Carmarthen Athletic Hockey Club

Our Constitution and Documents
Carmarthen Athletic Hockey Club (CAHC) are fully affiliated to Hockey Wales (Our National Govering Body), we have a very strong purpose and work hard to achieve the clubs objectives. We operate fully within our ‘Club Constitution’. In order to ensure that we achieve our purpose and objectives, the Executive Committee of the Club have set out a number of Guidelines and Policies which make the Club’s stance clear to its member. We encourage all members to follow our 'Code of Conduct'. Please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Committee through our ‘Contact Us’ page if you ever need any information or just some guidance regarding our Club business.
The Executive Committee
Our executive committee meets officially every other month (and more often when required) to discuss, maintain and plan the running of our club. The Committee is elected by the members of our Club at every Annual General Meeting as per our Club Constitution. Our Executive Committee is always looking for new ways to improve our club, therefore if you have any issues, suggestions or ideas that you would like to be addressed at an Executive Committee meeting and please contact our Club Secretary.
All fully paid members of our club are affiliated as members to our National Governing Body (Hockey Wales). Players, Umpires, Social Members and Coaches all have their own membership categories. It is necessary to be affiliated to our National Governing Body for insurance purposes, but there are many other benefits to this membership. See their website for further details.
Membership and Training Fees
Carmarthen Athletic Hockey Club have a quality coaching team. We have a development plan that ensures that our coaches have continued professional development and are player focused. We welcome anyone into the team who aspires to become a Coach. The Coaches work together and with Team Captains to provide each team (both junior and senior) a structured training session whilst identifying each player’s abilities and needs. We take pride in our approach and coach players on their ability rather than their age.
Child Protection
Our Club takes Child Protection very seriously. We have a dedicated Child Welfare Officer who is able to provide confidential advice. If you are concerned about being bullied or witnessed another player being treated unfairly, please inform a member of the Executive Committee, through our “Contact Us’ page or indeed the Child Welfare Officer. We have the following 'Transportation of Youth Policy' in place.
Becoming a Volunteer at CAHC
Carmarthen Athletic Hockey Club are always looking for volunteers to help with a range of tasks. These tasks include anything from club administration, helping to coach and manage a junior side, maintenance of club equipment and goals, attending fixtures as a photographer, first-aid provision and many more opportunities. We are very keen to recruit new volunteers. If you would like to get more involved with Carmarthen Athletic Hockey Club then please contact any member of the Club Executive Committee or through our ‘Contact Us’ page.
Social Media
Recently, our social media presence has grown, with us interacting with members and supporters on a number of social media platforms; Instagram and Facebook are our main platforms, but our Twitter page has also grown.
When you become a member of the Club, we add you to our closed Facebook group which is intended for Club members and their families, making our club a much tighter knit community and getting everyone to know each other. Here, we can be slightly less formal and promote club social events, etc.
We have a Social Media Policy which our Communications Team adhere to and encourage all Club members to do so as well.